Can I submit digital (electronic) versions of documents and photos?
No, not in place of the originals. Electronic versions of originals, such as photographs or handwritten documents, may accompany the originals, but they may not be submitted instead of the originals. “Born digital” items, such as photographs taken with a digital camera or smartphone, should be submitted as digital files on a CD, DVD or USB (flash/thumb) drive.
“Born digital” files cannot be submitted via email, and will only be accepted on CDs, DVDs or USB (flash/thumb) drives. Text documents must be submitted as plain text files (.txt or .rtf file formats). Images must be in TIFF (.tif) or JPEG (.jpg) format, and should be scanned at a minimum of 300 ppi (pixels per inch).
Please note: submitting electronic copies will not increase the likelihood that your collection materials will appear online.