Can I submit multiple veterans collections on the same storage media?

No. Please only submit one interview per storage media. Each recording must be submitted on separate media, such as CDs, DVDs or USB (flash/thumb) drives.

You may submit multiple interviews in one package, but they must be of individual veterans (we do not accept group interviews, such as panels or roundtables). Each interview must be accompanied by its own unique set of forms, including the Biographical Data Form, Interviewer's/Volunteer's Release Form, Veteran's Release Form and Interview Notes Form.

Also, the Veterans History Project (VHP) does not currently have the capacity to accept a single donation of multiple interviews via a single piece of media, such as an external hard drive or via “born digital” means, such as a cloud-based delivery application. Due to the large volume of collections we receive weekly (75-100 individual oral histories and related paper-based donations), it is labor intensive to identify and process each collection individually. However, it is important to VHP that each veteran who participates and provides their personal narrative to the Library of Congress receive equal attention.

Last Updated: Nov 30, 2024
Views: 425

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We cannot provide service records for veterans (contact the National Archives); advice on veteran benefits (contact the Department of Veterans Affairs).

For general information on military history, contact our general reference librarians.

Additional Ways to Contact Us

Send written correspondence to:

Veterans History Project
Library of Congress
101 Independence Ave. SE
Washington, DC 20540