Do you accept interviews conducted remotely?

Information on conducting "virtual" oral history interviews in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Oral History Association Decision Tree
Considerations for Remote Interviewing: Decision Tree, Oral History Association (PDF, 498 KB) External This decision tree is meant to be a visual representation of the many considerations undertaken in determining the best path for connecting and recording in remote oral history interviewing.

During these challenging times, we have encountered this question often as people look for ways to continue the work they were previously doing in a remote fashion. While VHP has not officially changed any of our policies, we recognize that these unique times require flexibility. Submissions that meet existing file format standards, and are accompanied by required documentation will be accepted.

Guidance and resources can be found on the Folklife Today Blog (we update this post periodically with the latest information):

Additionally, recent work done by the Oral History Association has drawn focus to this issue out of necessity, and they have published useful information on their website about this topic. We would ask that you review their resources for help in establishing guidelines for this type of effort, as well as consulting their helpful ‘Decision Tree’ as you forge ahead. It helps determine the best options for continuing to conduct interviews, and if remote interviewing is the best path forward—how to try and get the best out of the process.

Finally, VHP continues to accept interview submission on DVDs, in addition to USB/Flash drives.

If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out, and we will do our best to assist.

Last Updated: Feb 20, 2024
Views: 135

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