How do I get a copy of a newspaper article?

The Newspaper & Current Periodical Reading Room at the Library of Congress holds the largest collection of newspapers in the world, which includes current and historical titles both foreign and domestic. Newspapers in the collection come in various formats, including physical print issues and on microfilm, as well as digital access through the free online newspaper database Chronicling Americadigital collections freely available on, and onsite subscription databases.  Some formats like physical print issues and subscription databases can only be accessed onsite at the Library, while others, like certain titles on microfilm, may be able to be accessed through interlibrary loan.

Librarians in the Newspaper & Current Periodical Reading Room are ready to help you find a copy of an article. We may not always be able to find the article for you, but we are happy to help you navigate the Library’s vast collection of newspapers and assist you in tracking down an article. 

Last Updated: Jul 26, 2024
Views: 3753

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