How do I search for cartographic images on your website?
There are two methods of searching the Library’s web site for digital images of cartographic materials. The first is to access the Library of Congress Map Collections web site and, using the search box in the upper right, enter a geographic place name. You will receive a list of results that you can filter using the facets in the left hand tool bar. The second method is to use the subset of thematically arranged groupings of maps entitled Collections With Maps which, among other topics include Civil War Maps, Railroad Maps, Maps Related to the American Revolution and Its Era, etc. This may narrow your search considerably.
In addition to maps that have already been cataloged and digitized, maps from the Library’s collections that have not been digitized may be searched by using the advanced search option on the Library’s online catalog. This particular search will allow you to input your search criteria and “refine” your search to maps only under type of material.