Where can I learn more about Miranda v. Arizona?

The U.S. Supreme Court decision in Miranda v. Arizona was transformative and significantly impacted law enforcement practices, namely interrogation, throughout the United States. The Court held that, under the Fifth and Sixth Amendments to US Constitution, statements made by a defendant at the point of interrogation are admissible only if the prosecution could demonstrate that s/he was made aware of certain rights. Today, most Americans easily recognize the "Miranda warning" that is recited to a person at arrest, informing the suspect of

  • their right to remain silent, and that anything they say or do can and will be held against them in a court of law and
  • their right to speak to an attorney, and that if they cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for them. 

The Law Library of Congress has published an online research guide, Miranda v. Arizona: The Rights to Justice (March 13, 1963 – June 13, 1966), featuring a chronology of key events and original documents from Supreme Court Justices. 

Last Updated: Oct 01, 2021
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