Where can I find the recorded vote on a bill?

Recorded votes on a bill on the floor of the U.S. Senate or U.S. House of Representatives can be located in the Congressional Record. From the home page on Congress.gov, under the header "Recent," select Roll Call Votes and then choose the chamber and session of Congress to see a list of votes. If you have a specific bill number,  you can open up the bill page on Congress.gov and select the "Actions" tab to find the recorded votes on that bill.

A print option is the Congressional Record Index (CRI). The “History of Bills and Resolutions” section of the CRI provides the Congressional Record page number for roll call votes.  If you do not have the bill number, you can research the topic in the subject index portion of the CRI. The U.S. Government Publishing Office's govinfo contains CRI issues in ASCII text format (1983-present) and in HTML format (1998-present) with links to pages in the Congressional Record.

For more information about congressional voting records, visit the Law Library's research guide, Congressional Voting Records: A Beginner's Guide.

Last Updated: Mar 18, 2023
Views: 2786

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