Where can I find a congressional committee report?

Congressional committee reports are created by the committees of the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. Committee reports are important sources for determining legislative intent, better understanding the “cultural history” of a piece of legislation, or locating a committee’s findings on an investigation into a given subject.


Committee reports beginning with the 104th Congress (1995/96) can be found on Congress.gov's Committees page. Reports can be searched or browsed using the options on the right hand sidebar of this page.

Serial Set (Print)

Committee reports are printed as part of the United States Congressional Serial Set. The Serial Set is available at the Law Library of Congress, as well as some libraries in the Federal Depository Library Program.


GPO's GovInfo contains select House, Senate, executive, and conference reports (1995-present) in text and PDF formats.

The Serial Set collection is being digitized by the Law Library of Congress, and is made publicly available on GovInfo through a partnership between the GPO and the Law Library of Congress. The joint digitization project is a multi-year effort and is not yet complete. Additional volumes of the Serial Set will be added to GovInfo as they are available.

Congressional Record

Conference committee reports, in addition to being published as separate reports, are usually printed in the Congressional Record.

For more information about congressional committee reports, visit the Law Library of Congress guide, Compiling a Federal Legislative History: A Beginner’s Guide.

Last Updated: Sep 27, 2023
Views: 1611

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