How can I access declassified documents online?

The Library of Congress subscribes to two databases that contain declassified documents, both of which are only available onsite at the Library. Many academic libraries also subscribe to these two databases.


U.S. Declassified Documents Online from Gale 

Provides full-text access to over 500,000 pages of previously classified government documents. Covering major post-World War II era international events from the Cold War to the Vietnam War and beyond, this source enables users to locate a selection of US government documents from the Central Intelligence Agency, the State Department, the Department of Defense, the National Security Council, the White House, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, as well as many other government agencies. The documents range in size and scope from telegrams, correspondence, and unevaluated field reports, to lengthy background studies and detailed minutes of cabinet-level meetings.


Digital National Security Archive

The Digital National Security Archive (DNSA) contains a comprehensive set of declassified government documents. Each of these indexed collections is compiled by scholars and experts and covers the most critical world events, countries, and U.S. policy decisions from post World War II through present times. Glossaries, chronologies, bibliographies, overviews, and photographs are included. 


Free Online Sources

Furthermore, free resources for declassified documents can be found listed in the Library's Declassified Documents research guide at: and on the Princeton University Library's website at

Finally, the official records of the U.S. Government are kept at the National Archives. You may wish to contact the National Archives for additional assistance at:

Last Updated: Sep 10, 2024
Views: 3859

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