What films are being shown at the Mary Pickford Theater and the Packard Campus Theater?

The Packard Campus Theater, in Culpeper VA, is reopening on July 15, 2022!

(The Mary Pickford Theater, in Washington DC, remains closed for the moment)


The Mary Pickford Theater in Washington, DC, and the Packard Campus Theater in Culpeper, VA, have free events year round, sharing the Library's moving image collections with the public.

Mary Pickford Theater in Washington, DC

The Mary Pickford Theater shows films an average of twice a month, usually on a weekday night.

For the current schedule and lists of previous films, go to https://www.loc.gov/rr/mopic/pickford/index.html

Also, read our Now See Hear! blog posts about Mary Pickford Theater events at https://blogs.loc.gov/now-see-hear/category/mary-pickford-theater/

Directions to the Mary Pickford Theater:

Library of Congress, James Madison Building
101 Independence Ave. SE
Washington, D.C. 20540-4690

The closest Metro stop is Capitol South, on the Orange, Blue, and Silver lines.

Entry to the Madison Building after 2pm must be through the main doors on Independence Ave., between 1st and 2nd Streets.

Take the lobby elevator to the 3rd floor, and the Mary Pickford Theater is right there.


Packard Campus Theater in Culpeper, VA

The Packard Campus Theater has events every week on Fridays and Saturdays.

Read our Now See Hear! blog posts about Packard Campus Theater events at https://blogs.loc.gov/now-see-hear/category/packard-campus-theatre/

Directions to the Packard Campus Theater:

Library of Congress, Packard Campus
19053 Mount Pony Road
Culpeper, VA 22701-7551

Washington to Fredricksburg to Culpeper (I-95)

  • Take I-395 South towards Virginia
  • I-395 South becomes I-95 South; stay on I-95 South
  • Take the VA-3 West exit in Fredricksburg (Exit is just past the I-95 rest stop)
  • Take VA-3 West towards Culpeper
  • Turn left onto US 522 at traffic light.
  • Go 1/8 of a mile to the first left, Mount Pony Road
  • Turn left and the facility will be in front of you.

Washington to Gainesville to Culpeper (I-66)

  • Take I-66 West to US-29 in Gainesville, Virginia
  • Take US-29 South to Culpeper, Virginia
  • Take the US-522/VA-3 Exit in Culpeper
  • Turn left onto US-522/VA-3
  • Turn right on 522 at the traffic light.
  • Go 1/8 of a mile to the first left, Mount Pony Road
  • Turn left and the facility will be in front of you.

Charlottesville to Culpeper

  • Take US-29 North to Culpeper, Virginia
  • Take the US-522/VA-3 Exit in Culpeper
  • Turn right onto US-522/VA-3
  • Turn right on 522 at the traffic light.
  • Go 1/8 of a mile to the first left, Mount Pony Road
  • Turn left and the facility will be in front of you.


Last Updated: Aug 22, 2024
Views: 860

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We cannot provide subject research for stock footage or copying of most of the films and videos in our collection.

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Moving Image Research Center
101 Independence Ave. SE
James Madison Building, LM 336
Washington, D.C. 20540-4690