Does the Library provide assistive technology to researchers?

Yes. Assistive technology is available to researchers in the Library's public reading rooms.

The Library of Congress provides a network of reading rooms and research centers in three separate buildings on Capitol Hill as well as other satellite facilities.

A variety of assistive technology is available to researchers on all Library's public access catalog and Internet workstations in the form of built-in basic accessibility packages (basic voice output; basic screen magnification) and ZoomText screen magnification software for persons with visual impairments. Additionally, the majority of the third-party subscription databases the Library provides access to offer a number of their own built in accessibility tools, including: text-to-speech, transcriptions and captions, ARIA landmarks, alternate text, keyboard access navigation, EUB formats, and more. 

Additional assistive technology is available to researchers by reservation, because our materials are increasingly available in multiple formats (e.g. manuscripts, surrogate service paper copies, and electronic versions), please contact us to help you determine a match between your research plans and your accessibility needs. It’s recommended that you request ADA accommodations at least five business days in advance by contacting (202) 707-6024 or

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Last Updated: Aug 22, 2023
Views: 405

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