Our Duplication Services provides access to the collections of the Library of Congress through a wide variety of reproduction services for a fee. The ability of the Library to furnish reproductions is subject to copyright law and certain other restrictions; however, every effort will be made to fulfill requests.
Further information about products, services, certifications, and prices can be obtained by contacting Duplication Services at or 1-202-707-5640, Monday- Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. EST.
Please note that all orders must be accompanied by the reproduction number, call number, or digital ID for each individual item (these numbers can be found in catalog records and are often included in publications). If you are not sure how to find these numbers, please contact the Reading Room that has custody of the material via Ask a Librarian. A complete list of reading rooms at the Library of Congress can be found at
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