What online databases and indexes does the Library make available to researchers onsite?
The Library subscribes to a large number of online subscription databases which offer indexes to journals, information on library holdings, and other resources in a wide range of subject areas. Workstations for searching these services are available in all of the Library's reading rooms. The Library also subscribes to a number of Internet-based databases and full-text journal services, which are searchable on any of the public Internet workstations in the Library's reading rooms. Patrons onsite using their personal laptops or other wireless-enabled devices to connect to the Library's wireless network are also able to access these services. The Library does not offer access to these services off-site, but they are widely available at public and academic libraries.
Some of the reading rooms have CD-ROM databases and other online subscription services, including titles served in the Microform and Machine Readable Collections Reading Room, full-text journals in the Newspaper and Current Periodical Reading Room, and Technical Report titles available through Science Reference Services. Science Reading Room database titles are all listed on the appropriate reading room home page. Other reading rooms may have their own CD-ROM and other database resources; consult the appropriate reading room home page for more information. Please note that these resources are available only on site.
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