I registered my book (song, poem, art, etc.) with the Library of Congress. Why can't I find information about it on your website?

Depending on when the work was submitted, there are a few different places you can search.

For Works Registered since 1978

Records for works submitted for copyright registration since 1978 can be found in:

For Works Registered before 1978

Records for works submitted for copyright registration prior to 1978 can be found in:

For Works in the Library of Congress’ Collections

If a work that has been registered and deposited with the Copyright Office is acquired by the Library for its research collection, a catalog record will be created for it that will be accessible from the Library's online catalog.

If a deposited work is not acquired for the Library's research collection, a record will not be created for the Library's online catalog, but the registration record will still be accessible from the Copyright Office catalogs.

Last Updated: Jul 25, 2024
Views: 1481

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