Can you help me get started with doing industry research?

Since every industry research project is different, we have two guides that might be helpful to review to help you get started. The first is Doing Industry Research which include guidance on such topics as locating relevant databases, using classification codes to search electronic databases and other government data, identifying major companies in the industry, and placing the industry in historical context. You may also be interested in its companion Doing Company Research which would help you research the companies in an industry.

While our Doing Industry Research guide goes into more detail, the first thing is to identify the appropriate North American Industrial Classification System Code (NAICS). These codes are utilized by the Census as well as many online research databases offered though the Library to onsite researchers, university libraries, and public libraries employ NAICS codes. The guides provides a bit more detail on the various codes and additional links. 

It may also be helpful to identify any industry publications, websites, and associations and review what information is possible to glean from them that doesn’t require any membership and subscriptions.

For additional information, please Ask a Librarian.

Last Updated: Aug 22, 2024
Views: 363

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