Where can I find information on starting a small business? I'm particularly interested in government loans and grants.
The following federal government web sites offer information on startup kits, business plans, grant and loan resources, and federal and state offices providing business assistance.
U.S. Small business Administration (SBA)
The U.S. government agency charged with providing management, technical, and financial assistance to the nation's small businesses.
This site offers content from the federal government that covers various aspects of entrepreneurship from starting a small business to selling to the government.
We have also compiled a number of resources for entrepreneurs in our Small Business Hub, which has free websites, subscription databases, research tips, and recommended books. Our Small Business Financing guide lists resources for finding grants, loans, venture capital, crowdfunding, and financing by situation or business owner demographics. Additionally, visit the government website for the state or municipality where your business is, or will be, located. They may have certain registration and licensing requirements, depending on the type of business.
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