How do I get copies of Annual Reports and SEC filings?

The Library has several sources for annual reports and older SEC filings.

First, we have microfiche sets for annual reports and SEC filings. There is an inventory for the annual reports on the Business website and a print index for the SEC filings. These sets are not digital. If you are in the area, you are welcome to come to use the resources at the Library. You will need a Library of Congress library card to enter the reading room. If you cannot come to the Library, contact the Library’s Duplication Services which can provide copies for a fee. If you submit a request, just link to the inventory page for the company(s) you need so they will know what collections you are interested in.

You may also want to find other sources for these types of filings and reports – some university libraries do have microfiche sets is so much better External as well, and there are two subscription databases, Mergent Archives and Proquest Historical Annual Reports – which may be available at other libraries as well as the Library of Congress. Proquest Historical Annual Reports has only annual reports while Mergent Archives has annual reports and some SEC filings.

Last Updated: Nov 21, 2024
Views: 510

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