How do I research a company to find out the value of my old stock certificate?

The Library of Congress cannot provide information on the value of old stock certificates for collecting purposes. 

We can suggest resources that will help you to trace the company’s history and what became of it. Depending on the company and its history, you will likely need to consult older print volumes and subscription resources. Our Doing Historical Company Research guide has resources as does Evaluating Old Stock Certificates External produced by the Enoch Pratt Free Library in Baltimore.

If you are looking for the closing price of a company stock on a particular date, there are a number of sources on our Doing Historical Company Research guide. There are also a number of titles that are good for researching obsolete securities.

The guidance and sources at the above links may be specific to those institutions but the research process will be similar in many settings, so look to your local public or university libraries for print and electronic sources.

Last Updated: Aug 22, 2024
Views: 11932

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We cannot provide answers for student homework assignments, prices of old stock certificates, extensive research, detailed bibliographies, or answers for contests/puzzles/games.