Does the Library of Congress have holdings of newspapers from Asia and how might I borrow them?

Yes, the Library of Congress has holdings of newspapers from Asia in various languages. These newspapers can be found in different formats, including physical bound volumes and microfilm.

In general, Asian-language newspapers are held in the Asian Reading Room whereas newspapers in non-Asian languages are mostly held in the Newspaper & Current Periodical Reading Room.

Physical bound volumes can only be accessed on site at the Library, but you may be able to borrow microfilm through interlibrary loan. The Interlibrary Loan Program allows you to borrow materials that are not available locally. A librarian in your home library needs to make the loan request, and you can scan the film and make copies on a microfilm reader/printer in your library. For detailed information regarding LC circulation policies and to fill out a request form, please visit the Loan Division web page at:

Last Updated: Jul 27, 2024
Views: 278

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