What Armenian Manuscripts are in the Library of Congress?

In searching the catalog for Armenian manuscripts there are several complexities to consider. There are Hymnals in a scroll format, ancient maps, a calendar https://lccn.loc.gov/2003547119  that are cataloged as Armenian manuscripts.

Also, there are several facsimiles of manuscripts, such as Sahmankʻ imastasirutʻean : nmanahanutʻyun 1280 tʻ. dzeṛagri  https://lccn.loc.gov/84130837. There are 14 Armenian titles that are in the Online catalog classed as manuscripts held in the Near East Section of the African and Middle Eastern Division of the Library of Congress.

The Library of Congress has published an exhibition catalog entitled To Know Wisdom and Instruction: A Visual Survey of the Armenian Literary Tradition from the Library of Congress. The catalog was compiled by exhibition curator Levon Avdoyan, the Library’s Armenian and Georgian area specialist in the Near East Section of the African and Middle Eastern Division until he retired. The item list from the exhibition is at: https://www.loc.gov/exhibits/armenian-literary-tradition/exhibititems.html. There was an effort to digitize some of the Armenian manuscripts in the World Digital Library and an example is at: https://www.wdl.org/en/item/15060/.

Since the WDL is not being currently maintained, one of the most exciting developments is the digitization project entitled Armenian Rarities which has newly launched. https://www.loc.gov/collections/armenian-rarities/about-this-collection/

Last Updated: Jul 27, 2024
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